Maturity in Christ: Studying the Bible

How do you study your Bible?

Studying the Bible is one of the best parts about the Christian faith. Through the Bible, we communicate with the God of yesterday, today, and forever. 

Here are a few answers to questions about studying the Bible: 

1. How fast should I study the Bible?

The God of all things and the maker of the universe has explained his personality and character to us through the Bible. He has also given us instructions on how to coordinate ourselves here on earth. I believe that we ought to slowly navigate the word of God. 

You can break chapters down into chunks of verses and meditate on that chunk for however long it takes you to understand it through revelation. Meditate on sizable portions of the Bible, day, and night. Use apps and reading plans if that helps. Think deeply about the contextual meaning of God’s word historically, and with respect to today’s cultural climate. 

2. Can I question the Bible while studying it?

Sometimes it is difficult to understand some of these instructions, especially some Old Testament scriptures, but our approach should be a “Yes Lord” approach, not a “Maybe Lord” approach.

 It is no wonder that twelve-year-old Jesus was seen in the temple studying the word of God with church elders. As children, we are more prone to following instructions given to us by elders. One way to study the Bible is to do so with humility. Study the Bible as though you are a child being given instructions from a loving parent. If you are new to the faith, I urge you to be humble as you seek God’s knowledge. 

The Bible has laws and principles from which God’s kingdom operates. Therefore, we should refrain from arguing about whether it is right or wrong. We should rather ask ‘why’ or ‘how’ a certain scripture is correct. 

3. Can I ask other believers questions while Studying the Bible?

The best way to ask questions that we encounter from studying the Bible is by studying it with other believers through bible study and other programs available. 

The early Christians gathered to edify and admonish each other with the word of God. Today, we have more access to communities through social media and online platforms. Reading blogs and asking questions in the Comments Section is a great way to study the Bible with the writer and other readers. Watching YouTube and actively participating in the discussion is another great way to bring people of different knowledge levels and spiritual gifts together.

4. How can I put all my studying into practice? 

As God gives us commands, we should make haste to follow his commands. Let us put God’s word to the test every time we catch a revelation. 

If God has commanded a blessing upon a New Testament Christian in scripture, be expectant of the blessing because you are a New Testament believer. Scriptures caution the believer to forgive always; if someone offends you, reach out and forgive him/her. If God has put it in your heart to talk to a colleague about Jesus, and pray for him/her, do it. 

 In the process of active participation in the faith, you may find your calling. The next section discusses how you find what God calls you to do. 


Maturity in Christ: Finding your Calling


Maturity in Christ: Evangelism