Here are 3 ways that God shows that He is aware of our day-to-day needs. Through these examples, we will see that God understands the difficulties of this world, and He gives us practical solutions along the way.
1. The Need for one Another:
I have enjoyed the Bae-sics series so much. Anyways, back to the basics.
In Genesis 2: 18, God said that it is not good for man to be alone. Therefore, he made a helper suitable for him. God saw that one man with all his talents and skills was not good in isolation. God could have decided to create another man in isolation to rule over another planet. But no. God created an actual viable person that would support the first man to accomplish his mission on earth. From that union, God automatically created children, and children grew up to procreate other children, and extended families. Families grew to form larger families who then established cities and then nations. But the foundational motive of God was cooperation amongst each other.
The most practical thing a person can do to be successful is to form alliances with others because no man can accomplish anything significant by himself. I take this moment to urge you to plug in to the human resources available to you if you need practical help in any area of your life. The benefits of disclosing our sins to one another and praying for one another is healing according to James 5:16. Amen.
2. Pay your taxes:
Yeh, It’s tax season!
Some atheists and Christians alike believe that the church is a money grab. I have heard people say that the Pastors always ask for your money at the end of service because the whole organization is a business. Jesus got confronted by some religious leaders who asked Him whether it is lawful to pay taxes to the government of Caesar. Jesus told them to look at the image inscribed unto a coin, and it was Caesar’s. Then Jesus said these famous lines in reply: “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, AND to God what belongs to God.”
Money is a man-made object for commerce and trade. God acknowledges that because God is realistic. God also acknowledges that Scientific discoveries, human works of art and architecture, the constitution, and law and order are all good to respect and appreciate because the creator of these human constructs own them fair and square. Caesar collected taxes to fund his empire, however, he did not collect taxes to give back to God what belonged to God. Caesar did it for himself.
Jesus was really saying that as we respect man made constructs in our institutions and reaction, we must combine that with giving to God everything because everything belongs to God, including the taxes. But how can the taxes to the government also be given to God? By surrendering everything we have in the first place to God. If you give to God His own creation (you), he will set your path straight as you deal with every man-made creation.
3. Progress, Change and New Beginnings:
Practicality requires flexibility and adaptability. If God was so stuck in his ways, like many believe, he would have wiped out all of humanity by now because of our sinful and unholy nature. Our God is a God of change. Praise Him for that. He removed Saul, his first anointed king because Saul disobeyed, and he appointed King David, the man after God’s own heart. God turned around the situation of the Israelites multiple times during their rebellion and idol worship. God’s love is constant. God’s holiness is constant. God’s sovereignty is constant. Therefore, He changes other variables to accommodate for the things that he cannot change.
God is a God of progress. God wants us to always abound in every good work. Genesis 1:28 is a command from God for us to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. This command also echoes in God’s promise to Abraham that he will be a father of many nations, progressing the community of God’s children in numbers so that we will inherit the earth. Progress, growth, and improvement is a key factor in God’s earthly plan. Joseph improved Egypt’s economy through God’s wisdom, as well as King Solomon. Psalm 1:3 confirms that withering (stunted growth) in our businesses, relationships, or finances could be because of being uprooted from the God of progress, whose instructions have the ingredients for a fruitful and multiplying life.
The best example of God as the God of new beginnings is the introduction of Jesus Christ here on earth. Jesus came to take our sins away. Yes, we should abstain from sin, and if we fail, we have grace through the blood of Jesus to be forgiven, and to forgive ourselves. The burnt offerings of the Old Testament has been replaced with the blood of Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for giving us a change to find ourselves back to you, because when we find you in your holiness, we find ourselves in our best forms to lead a healthy life.
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